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« Glühweinbirnen mit Roquefort-Eis und karamellisierten Pekannüssen | Main | Couscous salad with mediterranean vegetables »

Feb 04, 2011



It looks scrummy, Johanna. And only six passion fruit needed which is a bonus as they're not cheap here and when I do buy them the girls usually gobble them up straight away!


Wow it looks delicious! I had passion fruit buttercream on my wedding cake and it was heaven, but this would have added such a great kick. I must try it!


I am surprised the fruit curd took only 6 passion fruit and the recipe doesn't sound too sweet. You have succeeded in tempting me.


Will you bring some along when you come to visit? Please, pretty? ;)

Account Deleted

lemon curd and a mix of citrusjuices are my fav but ...this I am making on my next day off !!! :-) :-)

Scott at Real Epicurean

I've made this once before, a few years back (was it in a Nigella book?) and it was delicious.

Thanks for reminding me!


Scott, I wouldn't know, I have never owned nor cooked from a Nigella Lawson book... I have a lemon curd recipe for Thermomix which I follow and adapt according to my taste! i thought i was being pretty original using passion fruit, but it looks like the domestic goddess beat me too it ,-(


Passion fruit curd, wow what bliss!


What a wonderful description of the reaction to your passion fruit curd! You have sold it to me, and I will be cooking this for my 52 ingredient challenge (, as I've never actually cooked with Passion Fruit I can legitimately count it as a challenge food! Hurray!

Kubełek Smakowy

I am absolutely in love with curd... I didn't try that one, but I strongly belive it's as tasty as orange or lemon!


This looks fantastic, Johanna! How did you come up with this? I just found your blog this afternoon and I'm blown away by your creations! What other ingredients have you used in your curd?

Joshua Fagans

Recently discovered passion fruit curd myself. I made a parfait with a caramel pudding and it was an amazing combo!


thanks for sharing this! we will have an aweful amount of passion fruits soon and i had absolutely no idea what to do with them...
sounds great!


Chanced upon your beautiful blog today. Wonder how I missed it. :)

Pamela Hester

Thank you dear! In SoCal passion fruit grows like a weed with hardly any water, so a few years ago I planted the whole back wall to cover the fence in vines. Last year the vines gave me about 70 fruits and I couldn't eat them fast enough. Now this years harvest won't go to waste and guess what my friends are getting for Christmas! At my afternoon teas I will serve it with crumpets, clotted cream and a small nip of creme sherry.


Wow... You are very lucky indeed! I wish I had passion fruit in my backyard...or the balcony in my case! Had one in London but for obvious reasons the fruit never ripened!
All the best


Sent from my iPhone


wow id love to make this with my yummy crepes (which i have recently perfected yay!)

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