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Nov 05, 2009



Thank you so much for this recipe! :)

I've been meaning to bake a carrot cake for a while now because I've never tried it before (it's pretty much unknown where I come from). Your cake sounds and looks really great and given that I'm well stocked on apples at the moment, I'm going to give it a try very soon. Yummy!

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

This looks delish!
I can see where the lime gives it a little zip.

I made this right when you posted this and it was scrumptiously delicious!! I didn`t have any carrots so I used sweet potatoes instead but it hit the spot.
Lovely Lovely Lovely. Thanks for the wonderful post. Keep posting!!

Order Prozac Online

Interesting Combination of carrot and apple. what would be it's tastes? Can't wait to make one. Thanks for sharing


I've still never made a carrot cake - it never used to be the English cake of choice when I was growing up - must be an American import! The sickly icing has always put me off, but I'll have a go at your recipe and see if I can convincce the kids to try it!


My grandmother made carrot cake for me for my birthday every year -- and for many years after her death, I made it on her birthday. But somehow I managed to lose 'our' recipe and so am in pursuit of a new one. I love the addition of apples, also the lime in the icing, it's usually soooo sweet. Lovely, Johanna!


This looks delicious! I really like the sound of the lime and cream cheese frosting. What a lovely combination of tastes!


Hi Johanna, I waited for your new recipe for days. There it is! Thank you. I hope you are well.
Greetings from Linz, Martina


That looks great! Carrot cake is one of my favourite cake's ever! Never tried it with apple before but thinking about it, I reckon it will work really well.

Thanks for the inspiration!
Andy -


Wow, this looks great. My 6 year old says he like Apple and if I could get him to help make this, he might even eat it. If he decides not to try it... all the more for me!!


This cake is very yummy :) I made it on saturday and it's still good. Bf asked me if I'm making a cake just for myself and I proudly said yes :D


Carrot cake has to be one of my all time favourite things. This one looks fabulous and I love the idea of adding apple to it. It looks so moist and yummy


sounds wonderful - I love carrot cake but have no delusions about healthiness - but it is a great way to use up carrots - and apples would give some extra flavour and moistness


that looks and sounds just wonderful! I made a similar cake couple of days ago: instead of carrots and apples used pumpkin and soft cheese with orange juice for frosting:)


good on you!!! yes, the cake is phantistic as it keeps for ages... especially if you dont have a large family (or are really good at hiding it ;-))

take care



I just love the look of this carrot cake recipe, especially as I have just got a Thermomix. I have been converting family favorites to TM and you have just saved me a lot of time. Thank you very much.

PS. I live in Australia so will probably wait 3 months for the glut of apples.


Hi. I have to say that I agree with you about Carrot Cake in the UK. I LOVE carrot cake and order it whenever I can but it is always disappointing. I have an American recipe for carrot cake which is absolutely fantastic (complete with cream cheese frosting) but it has so much oil in it that I don't like to make it very often. Your recipe, with only 150 g butter seems to me to be much healthier. I look forward to making it. Thank you!!


yum yum. I'll definitely try this.


Carrot cake is always a favourite in my house. I would never have thought about using apples in the cake mix. A slice of your cake would be very welcome!!!

Stacey Snacks

If anyone would please convert this recipe for me in US measurements, I would love them forever!
It just doesn't come out correctly, when I do them on my charts, and I don't want to mess it up....I am dying to make this cake!
Thank you! Stacey


This looks divine. I can't wait to give this one a try. :)

Gabriela Johnson

Espero que me quede como a ti! esta delicioso!

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