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« "Things are picking up"- foie gras with fig & peach compote | Main | Cape Town: Culinary City Snapshot »

Sep 22, 2009



You had me with "crispy chorizo" ;)


What a super combination Johanna! I'm always looking new ideas with zucchini and even though I haven't quite planted mine yet I'm already now looking forward to this one. We adore our soups all year round, and chorizo is almost like the new black... er I mean bacon!


Great idea. It's always hard to know what to do with too much courgette.

I like very thin strips of them fried till crispy at the edges in olive oil and used for a garnish for salads, but even then you only use a few.

Or grated into salads with lemon juice and walnut oil.


oh i love courgettes and have been getting a few in my CSA box. so i gottat give this a try. looks yummy!


thanks for all your lovely comments!

kit: i have never tried them raw... but if you say so, i will - sounds like a refreshing salad for lunch. i'll try to combine them with carrot, which should be a visual treat... will keep you posted!


Liebe Nicky,

hab mich total ueber Deinen Kommentar gefreut - ich weiss ja, dass wir ganz aehnlichen geschmack haben!
Wie geht's denn immer so? du bist sicher busy wie immer... hier ist's auch nicht viel anders, habe zwar momentan studienpause, aber mit schulbeginn und meiner teilnahme am ballkommittee fuer caro's abiball ist auch ziemlich viel zu tun.

christian hat gerade urlaub und am freitag koennten wir einen tisch im petersham nurseries bekommen, da waren wir jetzt auch schon ewig nimmer, va weil man da so spontan nur was unter der woche kriegen kann - da haben wir gleich zugeschlagen! ich werde fuer dich mitessen!

naja, und sonst tut sich nicht viel, ich sollte mich schleunigst daran machen, mal visitkarten und eine webpage fuer meine ohrakupunktur aufzusetzen, irgendwie kommt immer was dazwischen. ausserdem bin ich momentan permanent muede, koennte schon nach dem aufstehen wieder ins bett gehen ;-) muss mal ein paar kraeuter kaufen, die mich wieder auf vordermann bringen!

wuerde mich freuen, wieder mal von dir zu hoeren,
liebe gruesse einstweilen


Mmmm, that soup was divine! It's a great combo and perfect for our meal :)


Johanna, that looks lovely! By the way, if you have any freezer space, you know you can always freeze the extra courgettes and then you'll be able to enjoy this soup in January! Just cube the courgettes and blanche three minutes before freezing. Just a thought!


Hi Meg,

thanks for the tip, i had never tried this before, usually only freeze meat imported from austria and pizza for those days when i can't be bothered ;-)
oh yeah, and tons of bridel butter, which i can't get at my local supermarket, well, i lie, but i don't always go to waitrose, so there you go.

must try the freezing, the one in the garage has a large freezer compartment and it's empty!


...voted Top LondonFoodblog in Time OutFebruary 2009
... featured in the February 07 edition of delicious magazine
... featured alongside Jamie Oliver inthe September 07 edition of playvanilla


Hi Johanna! Zucchini (as we call them over here) is one of my favorite vegetables because they are so versatile. Your soup looks and sounds fabulous. I'm so glad you got to join us for Grow Your Own this time!


This has so many good ingredients. Maybe the best part is the chorizo - not unlike bacon, where any dish is better with it!


Any soup with crispy chorizo has got to be good.


love the idea of watercress with courgette - when I was growing up we always had a zucchini slice that was delicious - you have made me think I should try some as zucchini is cheap here right now - though I love using zucchini (courgettes) - just a little olive oil and seasoning before grilling it makes it delicious and perfect for salads, side dishes or pasta

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