While Jeanne is busy compiling the round-up for the latest round of WTSIM, I thought I'd better announce the next theme fast, seeing that February is a really short month!
I am in an indulging mood at the moment, never mind the economic climate, and you don't always need lobster and foie gras to make you fool comforted and indulged, do you? In fact, some of the cheapest dishes can be made just with a little bit of flour, sugar, milk and an egg or two. My native Austria is dessert (Mehlspeisen) heaven, so I thought we could play with this idea a little.
Our theme for February will be "hot puds" (pud being short for pudding, signifying "dessert" in Britain). Anything goes, as long a it's sweet and served hot. Crèpes Suzette, self-saucing puddings, sweet dumplings, fruit fritters, you can be as creative as you like. If you can, I'd appreciate something that reflects your country of origin and a little background story to go with it, but that would just be an optional bonus.
And to give you even more reason to participate, there will be a fabulous prize this time, courtesy of publisher DK. They have kindly donated two books by the very successful cookery writer Mary Berry "Traditional Puddings and Desserts" and "Supper for Friends", both retailing for £12.99 and containing brilliantly easy, yet impressive dishes like Goats Cheese Souffles and Pineapple Upside-down Cake. And as I couldn't possibly be asked to choose my favourite out of all the wonderful creations you are going to come up with, the prize will be allocated by draw out of a hat (or mixing bowl, more appropriately). How's that for an incentive?
Send your entries to by 28th of February, detailing your name, location, blog's name, name of your creation and, if it cannot be easily copied from your site, a picture in jpg format.
Let not the economic climate depress you, be as decadent as you can with some comforting, feel-good desserts. It needn't cost the earth, but it'll certainly lift your mood!
Oh, I've got such a good idea for this! Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with as well.
Posted by: Jessica @ Bring Your Appetite | Feb 08, 2009 at 08:54 PM
hmmm... I may just come up with something for this event
Posted by: George | Feb 10, 2009 at 03:39 PM
Oh, it sounds really interesting. I have to look now for hot pud recipes. I haven't heard of them before!!
Posted by: Olga | Feb 12, 2009 at 05:40 PM
I keep saying I'm going to enter this event but never seem to get around to it. Maybe this time...
Posted by: Scott at Realepicurean | Feb 16, 2009 at 06:26 PM
Great suggestion, we all love desserts after all.
Posted by: Claudia | Feb 17, 2009 at 06:29 PM
I love hot puds, Let's see if I can find the time to make something.
Posted by: Lien | Feb 18, 2009 at 06:05 PM
Hi Johanna:
I'm not sure how to contact you regarding this event. The email I sent was not delivered to you.
Here is my entry:
Shrove Tuesday Crêpe Cake
URL of my post: http://kitschow.blogspot.com/2009/02/229-shrove-tuesday-crepe-cake-recipe.html
Thanks for hosting! You have a fabulous blog. I'm enjoying myself reading your posts.
Posted by: Christine | Feb 26, 2009 at 05:05 PM