(Photo courtesy of Cook Sister!)
Excuse the radio silence, but I have been madly busy preparing for my end-of-year exams - passed the first on Saturday with 98% (god, am i turning into a nerd or what?) and have another one coming up on the 13th of July, so don't expect much blogging here...
If it was just the exams, it would be alright, but add to that the fact that we moved house only a few weeks ago and I am still struggling to find essential items hidden away in boxes around the house, that our internet provider managed to "lose" our mail boxes for an entire month (expect a not-so-friendly call any time soon, Mr. Richard Branson!) and that Max has decided to come down with chicken pox just in time for my exam on infectious diseases... well, at least I had a good case study!
But even though I have been eating way too much take-out recently and letting things slip left right and centre, I have not lost sight of the finer things in life and had a great meal at Patterson's last weekend with Michelle of Greedy Gourmet and Jeanne of Cooksister... where I was gently reminded that the next round of "Waiter! There's something in my..." is just around the corner and another absence would not be tolerated.
So there you have it, I can't escape blogging after all, please do me a favour and join me in my efforts to create something beautiful with BERRIES before the 6th of July... all the details are available on Cook Sister!.
Thumbs up! Welcome back at the table.
Posted by: Sebastian Mittagesser | Jun 24, 2008 at 09:33 PM
Delicious-looking berries!
Good luck with all your exams and I trust that Max feels better very soon.
Posted by: Paz | Jun 28, 2008 at 08:40 PM
Woohoo! I got mentioned on your blog! :-P
Forgot to let you know of the food sites. Here you go:
Enjoy your long holiday!
Posted by: Michelle | Jul 06, 2008 at 09:41 PM