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« Passion fruit & coconut mini-cheesecakes | Main | Broad bean soup with smoked ham »

Oct 16, 2007



I blush, I go red, I, I,....


Oh yum. That sounds just like my kind of bread.


I'm impressed! I do make my bread from time to time but I try to make it as simple as possible. This sounds great and I'll defiantly try it. Thank you fro this great post!


Haha! as I said about one of your earlier posts, bread making is the crack cocaine of the culinary arts, and I see you are getting seriously addicted! This may be of limited use as a source of sourdough recipes and tips, but Elizabeth David's "English Bread and Yeast Cookery" is a fabulous book, beautifully written like all her work, and a great work of scholarship. It is one of my very favourite books. Breadmaking more than any other branch of cookery is difficult to teach to anything but a basic standard by book anyway, as it is so much about touch and feel. Experience and your hands will be your best teachers.

Your loaf looks completely delicious! I want a slice right now!


What a wonderful bread! My own sourdough culture refuses to cooperate these days...

I'd recommend Dan Lepard's The Handmade Loaf especially if you're interested in rye breads. Best book I've read so far on this topic. And there are lots of great recipes featuring other grains as well.


This looks amazing! Hazlenuts and sourdough in one place!


Let me once again vouch personally for the deliciousness of this bread... I had the privilege of tasting it straight out of Johanna's oven and it was GLORIOUS. Firm, moist crumb and a lovely crunch to the crust - and those hazelnuts just elevate it to something exceptional. Delicious!


Wow Johanna, that looks stunning and you've taken the plunge straight into sour dough too. I haven't ventured into that territory yet, though I've been baking all our yeast bread for the last three years - it seems to signify another stage of commitment having to love and care for the starter.

I loved the novel By Bread Alone by Sarah Kate Lynch where sour dough was the background tune to her life.


Wow, das ist dir super gelungen. Ein Brot auch nach meinem Geschmack.

Ich habe die gleichen Sauerteig-Erfahrungen gemacht wie du. Zuerst getraut man sich kaum etwas daran zu machen. Mit der Zeit geht das Füttern etc. wie im Schlaf.

Danke für deine Teilname am WBD. Wie es ausschaut bist du jetzt auch Brotback-infiziert. Willkommen im Club. ;-)


Lovely ... I'll either need to make a starter from scratch, or use the hazelnut idea to make a rye loaf using a poolish ... it sounds like a wonderful combination, and looks great (especially with the bean soup)

Joanna x


I second Eva's recommendation of the Handmade Loaf! Excellent book.


The Handmade Loaf sounds very good... I will have to look out for it. Does it have metric measures, I wonder?

Joanna, if you come to the Christmas party this year, I promise I'll prepare a starter for you to take home!

Kit, that's another book going on my wish list for Christmas... sounds like my kind of novel!

james, you're right, I feel like I am already beginning to understand my doughs better... it does take practice and a keen eye but reaps so many rewards!

sania, i love this bread because (unlike other sourdough and levain breads), you can just ripen the sourdough overnight and it then takes less than 3 hours until you have the baked loaf in hands... no prolongued periods of folding or kneading - just perfect for me!

African Vanielje

Joanna, I have to say that The Village Baker by Joe Ortiz is the best bread book that I have ever had. Good sourdough is not easy and I have been experimenting for a few years now with varying degrees of success. For me it is all about getting into the rythm of it and (yes) somehow fitting that into your life. I love this book because it clearly explains the science behind the alchemy, as well as the magic you are looking for. I never make sourdough's from any other book anymore.


Nice loaf! I've made it a few times according to the original recipe... I love its nutty flavour...

Magdalena O

oh wow. i need to try this.

Jeff Hertzberg


I'd love to try that hazelnut/rye approach in our stored-dough method. First, I'll try to find the hazelnuts! Thanks for posting to Jaden's site, hope I answered your question...

Jeff Hertzberg


Can anybody tell me how to get nice big air pockets in english muffins. They just are not the same once the butter is applied without them.

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