So... you've had three weeks to mull over the endless possibilities for savoury preserves. Here's a reminder to submit your contributions by the 28th of this month.
I also realised that there was a similar theme for an event earlier this month, namely pickles, so if you have participated in that, you're welcome to submit your entry tho WTSIM as well... after all, the aim is to get the best collection of savoury preserves possible!
And to refresh your memory, this is what we're after:
Another round of "Waiter! There's something in my...", this year's must-have in the world of foodblogging events created and hosted alternately by Jeanne of Cook Sister!, Andrew of SpittoonExtra and your humble servant. If you haven't yet, do check out the round-up for last month's theme, meatless BBQ options. But before you do, let me introduce this month's challenge:
It's the end of summer and for me, 'tis the time to get homely. And before you picture me running around with fluffy dusters on my feet and pin curlers in my hair, I am talking about cooking, of course. Preserving, to be more precise! Mankind has been trying to make the goodness of food last longer since the beginning of time and even nowadays, when super-size fridge/freezers and supermarkets the size of a small village enable us to enjoy pretty much every food item all year round, I bet I am not the only one who finds pleasure in filling up jars and jars of good food and stacking them up neatly in your pantry to be enjoyed at a later date. I wouldn't go as far as dusting them off twice a day, but I do cherish these little treasures immensely.
Chances are that last August's SHF, hosted by the brilliant Nicky of delicious:days, is still fresh in your mind, when she asked us "Can you can?" - Well, I am begging you to do it again for me, but this time, we're not jammin', we're talking SAVOURY PRESERVES only.
Whether it is crunchy cornichons or feisty chillies that take your
fancy, whether you want to pack away a glass of tomatoes bursting with
summer sun or prepare an aromatic oil as a Christmas present, whether
you are finally jumping on the bandwagon of Northafrican food by
preserving some lemons or trying that coveted recipe for a chutney your
Mum always used to make, I will gladly sum up all your contributions,
provided you are tempting me with a savoury (at the most sweet &
sour) creation in some sort of jar/bottle. Typically, something that is
preserved in a liquid, be that oil, vinegar or brine, not
vaccuum-sealed, freezer-dried or flat-packed.
Your entry must be a
new post, published between now and the 28th of September and I will do
my best to have a round-up ready for you before we ring in the new
So, in a nutshell:
- Criteria: savoury concoction (pickles, chutney, relish, sauce etc) - preserved as or in some sort of liquid in a glass/jar/bottle -
new post
- Due date: anytime before or on Friday the 28th of September
- Post must include link to this announcement and it would be great if you could add a link to the round-up as and when
- Send me: your name, blog's name, name of preserve,
permalink to post, photograph (and only if it's in a weird format like
slideshow etc and only of the preserve, one of yourself is entirely
optional!) in an email to
Happy preserving and whatever you do, just don't get yourself in a pickle!
Uups, da habe ich mein Pulver schon zum Pickle Day verschossen, bis morgen schaff ich wohl nix mehr, tut mir leid
Posted by: Ulrike | Sep 27, 2007 at 05:52 PM
Just posted my entry! Looking forward to the round-up!
Posted by: Pille | Sep 28, 2007 at 08:05 AM
Oh, I'm way too late!! I missed it!
Posted by: arfi | Oct 01, 2007 at 07:37 AM