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« Culinary City Snapshots | Main | Oven-baked camembert with fruits & nuts »

Feb 01, 2007



i thoroughly enjoyed my trip to stockholm a few years ago... particularly remember the tunnsbrodrulla (excuse spelling), a wiener in a flat bread stuffed with potato mash... perfect lunch on the go!
Best dinner in a long time at paul & norbert on strandvagan truly superb food, if on the more expensive end of the spectrum!
can't wait to go back some time!!!


One of our graduate students from Uppsala brought back some Surströmming on the airplane (he must have been one of the last to do so - it has since been banned on planes because it can blow up). Amazing, appalling stuff - we had *lots* of akvavit to get up the courage to eat it - one piece was enough for a lifetime. Kind of glad I did it though (and rather glad it's past).


i still have a tin of surstromming, which one of my (swedish) colleagues brought back for me, in a cupboard somewhere... haven't mustered up th courage to open it, but i'm probably safe to assume that rotten fish can't go off???


I've been dying to go to Sweden for years now. Made full arrangements twice but they fell through. Now I have to wait for kids to get older... But I'm so looking forward to going... And this post just made me more impatient :-) Even with the "rotten herring".


I feasted well in Stockholm last July, but that was at the wedding party. I sadly didn't have much time to explore the city in greater detail, nor meet any of the bloggers:( I'll be sure to take Anne's recommendations into consideration when I'm next in Stockholm!


I love this! My boyfriend and I spent two weeks (mostly) in Sweden and Norway in 2004, and loved the food there. You've inspired me - maybe I'll do a blog on the food of Malmo, Oslo and Bergen! I have to admit, I'm really grateful to have an IDEA nearby, where I can pick up the Kalles fish paste that I've grown to love on morning toast, and other Swedish foods that we really enjoy. If anyone knows of another good place in Sacramento, CA to get Scandinavian imports I'd love to hear it!


Oops...I meant IKEA not IDEA. You probably knew that already...


Now, I really have to defense the "rotten" herring which in fact is fermented, with a - I admit - rather... unique... taste and flavour. Yes, it smells. But it tastes very very good (I think) wrapped in soft thin bread together with boiled potato, lots of chopped onion and sour cream. Oh no, now I started to crave it again...

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