There's a lot of debate lately about God's Creation vs Darwinism... and I believe that there wouldn't be as much scepticism about the former if they hadn't hushed up one important clue:
On the seventh day, God couldn't possibly have "ended His work". Surely he must have looked around and seen that there was one vital thing missing. Something that would make people rejoyce the world over and allow them to truly appreciate His creation. So on the seventh day, He created the chocolate truffle! And God saw everything that He had made, and it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the seventh day.
(That's what they preach in my Church, anyway!)
And in that spirit, we shall be devoting these cold November days to live the wonder that are chocolate truffles. I bet you can all feel it - it's that time of the month when your energy levels are at your lowest and your bank balance is a frightening picture to behold, there's only one thing that can brighten your days... a serious sugar fix!
Sugar High Friday has just turned two and it is my honour to kick off a new year of fantastically calorific concoctions that would have even Pierre Hermé weep with joy! I wonder if Jennifer of the Domestic Goddess could fathom just how popular the foodblogging event she was initiating was going to become - month on month we've seen themes from the wonderful to the weird, and they all had two things in common: they attracted more participants than any other such event out there and they made you drool over your keyboard with every round-up you read.
After her fabulous theme of Petits Fours which saw a truly amazing array of miniature delights lining up and showed just what an inventive and talented bunch the foodbloggers are, the Cook Sister! has passed the baton on to me. I know how busy everybody is already with the holiday season approaching at breathtaking speed, so the theme I have chosen is a practical one, where you can "recycle" your creations for little Christmas presents with a difference and look oh so clever!
So we'll be making our own TRUFFLES... and you will need no pigs to hunt for them either! Here's your mission:
Go out and buy the best truffles you can find... there must be a local
chocolatier somewhere around you, so steer clear of the supermarkets!
Indulge in those truffles. Savour them. Become one with them. NB: this
is NOT meant for your enjoyment, but purely for research purposes!!!
Next, we want to see you hand-make your own chocolate truffles - it is
easier than it seems. Make them white, black or brown, dust them or ice them,
fill them with a funky ganache, some simple praline or anything else
(edible!) that you can think of... anything goes! The only thing I ask
is that they be utterly sinful and moreish, just what you need to
distract you from a dreary cold November out there!
For details on how to participate in Sugar High Friday #25 this November, please click on the link below:
So here's the deal:
Before tucking
into those truffles or wrapping them up as delightful stocking fillers, do take a
glorious picture of them and write about your creation on your blog - your post must go up by the 24th of November 2006!
Don't forget to reference this announcement in your post (feel free to
use my picture for it or the SHF logo (see right-hand column) and if
you can, also include a link to the round-up once it is up.
Send an email with the following information to :
Your name
Your blog's name
Your blog's URL (homepage)
The name of your creation
The permalink (individual URL) to your chocolate truffle post
much as I would like it, I won't be able to browse all the foodblogs out there,
so if you don't send me an email, I can't include you!
The round-up will be posted on the following weekend, so submissions can only be accepted until 12pm GMT on Saturday, 25th of November. Exceptions will only be made with a reasonable bribe (for example a taste of your delicious truffles!)...
If you don't have a blog, send me your picture and write-up anyway, but as much ahead of time as possible: I will then publish your post on ahead of the 25th, if you wish.
I have my recipe all primed and raring to go... just need some chocolate!
Posted by: Andrew | Nov 06, 2006 at 03:05 PM
Yummo. I love truffles, and any excuse to make them is alright with me!
Posted by: Andrea | Nov 06, 2006 at 11:17 PM
Hmmm, not something I've done before... so good thing that I attended a class on this very topic over the weekend ;-) You'll definitely be seeing me on the 24th!
Posted by: Jeanne | Nov 07, 2006 at 10:57 AM
What a great idea - i can't wait to do the tasting part!
- fanny
Posted by: fanny | Nov 07, 2006 at 04:38 PM
I have a truffle recipe that's worth sharing so i think i will join in on my very first SHF.
Can we only post it on the 24th and not before? Sorry, new to this :)
Posted by: Mae | Nov 09, 2006 at 02:39 PM
Oh! It's a huuuge coincidence, 'cause this week I posted a truffle's recipe, but I didn't shoot my dessert, =( Only a single part, carameled hazelnuts.
May I participate? And, my blog is in Portuguese, okay? =)
Posted by: Vitor Hugo | Nov 09, 2006 at 10:43 PM
Phew - you drive a hard bargain - I will see what I can do - I have made truffles on my blog no less than 3 x already and I dont really want to be buying AND making truffles, since i have already posted about the best truffles I can find as well, and I am a diet too which means one batch of truffles is more than enough for me. I have an idea - I'll see if I can do it. Might be tricky to meet the deadline because of being away for the Thanksgiving holiday that weekend.
Posted by: sam | Nov 11, 2006 at 12:23 AM
I just posted my entry here - . (Emailed you, too, but wanted to comment just in case.)
Posted by: Danielle | Nov 24, 2006 at 02:17 PM
The shf is a sweet idea. Next time I'd like to participate.
Posted by: Brigitte | Nov 28, 2006 at 02:16 AM
I am trying to find the SHF entries for truffles, but can only find the post that requests entries. Can you send me a link please?
Posted by: Freda | Nov 08, 2007 at 03:31 AM
hi freda,
the link to the round-up is here:
happy temperingand rolling!
Posted by: johanna | Nov 08, 2007 at 09:43 AM
I just saw your website - especially about the chocolate truffles. i have found perhaps one of the best chocolate truffles in nyc. so good they are beginning to make their way around the world. The japanese are so crazy about them.
i would love to send you a box of these. gourmet magazine rated them as one of the best in us. is there a work address that i can send them to you.
my husband has befriended the owner and while i have sampled chocolates from around the world these are amazing. i use to direct and produce shows for the travel channel and then :30 spots for american tv. but chocolate is a passion. and these are amazing. so i would like to share these as a kicker for your event. all the best, judy
Posted by: judy finch | Nov 13, 2008 at 09:27 PM