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« Euro-Blogging By Post #6 - the participants | Main | EBBP#6 - keeping track of those parcels! »

Oct 02, 2006



I'm so sorry I missed out! (Obligatory plans I had to adhere to) I know what you mean about the Mexican food outside of Mexico (and Southern California).. I've pretty much given up in finding a decent Mexican restaurant here. I too, make my own at home but *still* can't get that authentic feel - although it's closer than the restaurants... hopefully I can get closer at Learning to cook Mexican II??


Women after my own heart! Wish I could have been there... Of course being American, I've probably had more TexMex and American southwest style Mexican than true Mexican food, but I miss it more than you can imagine! I'd also love to be part of Learning to Cook Mexican II!

Julie O'Hara

Wow, I really look forward to your recipes! I grew up in Southern California and LOVE real Mexican food. In Florida where I live now, you find a lot of Latin food, but Mexican is a little bit scarce. Excellent work on sharing this fabulous cuisine with your friends in the UK. I lived in London for a year, and certainly never saw this type of food anywhere.


The photo revealed a great time to be had by all! hope that you are able to continue the Mexican saga on food.....sounds very interesting...Happy cooking!


have you considered purchasing a tortilla maker? They are not expensive and work quite well.


toni, i used to have a tortilla press, but I got tired of all the mess... i am such a lazy person, especially when dough is involved!


Thanks for the really helpful London Mexico- shopping and restaurant tips.
We just had the idea to make some Tamales this weekend and unexpectedly had difficulites sourcing some of the normal ingredients. Will try-out the online shops now.

Having spent last year in L.A. it's one of the major let downs of food-London not to find proper Mexican food. We have moved "sideways" a little to Columbian food. Exploring new food markets in one of the many suburbs on the weekend has now become our favourite passtime.

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